Hamilton Inspires Mercedes Team with Rally Cry after ‘Pinch of Salt’ Result

Hamilton Inspires Mercedes Team with Rally Cry after 'Pinch of Salt' Result

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Lewis Hamilton has thanked Mercedes for the “hard extra-long hours” being put in improve the W15, but also says “all hands on deck” are needed to return to the front.

Lewis Hamilton emphasized the need for everyone at Mercedes to continue pushing, following his strong performance at the Spanish Grand Prix. Despite a long podium drought, he finished on the rostrum and acknowledged the team’s improvements in closing the performance gap to other competitors. Hamilton commended the team’s efforts and urged them to keep striving for further gains in performance. He highlighted the importance of teamwork and expressed gratitude for the hard work put in by everyone at the factory. Hamilton recognized the progress made by Mercedes but emphasized the need to find more pace to compete at the highest level. Despite struggles in qualifying, Hamilton believes Mercedes is gaining momentum for the upcoming races and is optimistic about their chances for the future.

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